Tuesday, March 14, 2006


There are very few things that I'm afraid of in life, but I am deathly afraid of Tornados. They say the actual name of the phobia is Lilapsophobia.

Living in the midwest, this is something I have to deal with every spring and summer. And like most phobias, my fear isn't all that rational, but it IS toxic and paralyzing. I flip back and forth between 4 news stations watching the huge super cells move towards my county and imagine hovering in our bathroom and having the terrible thing rip though our house - even though the probabilty of me getting in a terrible car accident on the road is exponentially higher than ever personally encountering a tornado.

I suppose that the majority of my fear is due to our house not having a basement and that just wigs me out.

And then to see the reports that just hours from us, people's homes were ripped apart and lives taken by these things over the weekend. My heart and prayers go out to these people this morning.

So, here we go, it's not even April yet and I'm starting to feel anxiety about the damn things. I know that my spirituality should provide some sort of peace and calm in this regard, but I just get really uptight when Watches/Warnings are issued.

It's something I need to work on...


isaiah said...

I thought about you guys over the past couple of days- sending prayers your way and for those who did get hit.

We must content with hurricanes here where we are...and there is plenty of advanced warning so we can evacuate and get out of harm's way...with a tornado, it can be instantly upon you and in some cases, with destructive forces much higher than that of a hurricane.

You are doing the right thing by staying glued to the TV and weather announcements...and for a very good reason.

Sending prayers your way and to all those in harms way.

Trev Diesel said...

Tommy - thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I know what you mean about having it be "instantly upon you"! Gonna have to buy a weather radio to wake the fam up at night in case it ever happens when we're asleep...

Allison - Glad to know I'm not the only one... Let's hope it's an "easy" spring.

Anonymous said...

I was caught in a nasty storm while working at an archaeological dig near St. Louis. On the way back to my hotel I saw a tornado in my rear view mirror. It was far away, but still the scariest thing I've ever been through. I couldn't believe how the people in my crew were like "Oh.. yeah we get those. No big deal." Remember that some fear, like yours, can be healthy unless it interferes with your everyday life.

I live in NE Ohio where tornado aren't too common, but after that, just seeing clouds can trigger panic attacks. I read a book called "Embracing the Fear" that is helping. It's written for a people with who have phobia(s) or anxiety.
Great idea getting weatherband radio that will wake you up so you don't have to stay up all night watching the TV. Is there a way you could build a shelter, or do you have neighbors that have a basement? I'm sure they'd be happy to share their basement if you were in danger, and will be sympathetic to your fear. Just a few thoughts from another phobic person. I see the nasty line going through IN tonight (3/31) and praying for you guys.

Trev Diesel said...

Thanks so much for the thoughts and suggestions. I appreciate the words and hopefully will be buying a weather radio soon. Don't plan on building a shelter because we may not live here for many more years. But our next house will have a basement for sure!!!


Anonymous said...

Visit www.stormphobia.org for some insight...