Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Pulled the Post

For the time being, I have pulled the Post that I posted yesterday regarding a cousin of mine and mishaps that ensued. For those of you who got to read it yesterday, congratulations. For those of you who did not get to read it, maybe that's all for the better.

'Twas simply a story that I told my wife while we were dating, and although we find it rather funny, I'm not sure the world is ready to hear it. Perhaps I will repost it soon....

(devilish grin)

If you'd really like to read it and aren't offended by Butt Humor, shoot me an email to and I'll send it to ya - no problemo.


Anonymous said...

that sucks. it was hilarious. :)

peacefield said...

that's a "crappy" way to treat your readers, man.
