Thursday, September 15, 2005


The sporadic nature of my posts as of late is not totally accidental. The truth is that my time in front of the computer is fewer and farther between.

My whole life I've been "victimized" by my own procrastination, inertia and disorganization. I am and have been a classic right-brain personality and had all but resigned to that lot in life. I assumed I would always bounce checks, sort through piles of papers for missing instructions, misplace my keys, have a messy house, not find time to really develop a relationship with my wife and others, and do only the amount of work necessary to not get into trouble. (...meanwhile always suffering because I felt I could never catch up)

But once again, the teachings of Ken Wilber (especially those about developing as a WHOLE being) have really opened my eyes to human potential. While I have certainly found myself progressing and evolving spiritually over the past 5 years, this was certainly the only developmental line in which I was evolving. I was deepening in meditation - in spiritual realization - in unfolding, but I didn't even consider that I could also be evolving in social relationships, in organization, in my marriage, in work, etc. And why not?!? Do we not all know people who are spiritual all-stars but organizationally, morally, or relationtionally crippled?

For the first time, I'm beginning to feel the freedom of having an organized and simpler life. It's almost like the purity and peace that I find within is starting to ripple outward into the various other outer spheres. (Which, as far as blogging is concerned, whereas I used to spend hours at work blogging and so forth, I now find that I'm getting things done, making a difference and living up to my responsibilities.)

It is certainly true that Spirit manifests itself as messiness, as disorganization, as chaos JUST AS MUCH as "cleanliness is next to godliness." But in a spirit of unattachment and through living out the precepts of Zen, I find that the more I develop and bring consciousness into the other areas of my life, the greater peace and space I find to BE and develop both spiritually and as a WHOLE being.


Jon said...

Oh, that's what panentheism is all about. God is in all of this: Every face you see, every check you write, every tooth you brush, every tire you kick.

This is the playing field. As you learn to live through your Buddhamind, you will experience that samsara is Nirvana, and the Kingdom is right here, nowhere else; there is nowhere else to go.

Yet to say I identify with the clutter/procrastination catch is an understatement! Hang in there. Breathe! Work. Play. Love. Laugh. Live.

isaiah said...

"For the first time, I'm beginning to feel the freedom of having an organized and simpler life."

"I find that the more I develop and bring consciousness into the other areas of my life, the greater peace and space I find to BE and develop both spiritually and as a WHOLE being."


Blessings on your insight and freedom... yes, it does happen, even when we are 'thinkin' otherwise.

As 'old-soul' friends, I know little about you and yet I know, from looking into your eyes and being in your presence that you have a special role to play in the unfolding of Spirit in this world. Be it through your music, your work, your love for your wife and daughter... you will, you are letting God's light shine through you- as you.

This rippling outward of peace and clarity does come as a surprise sometimes...but you have asked and searched, and now you are becoming the answers to your questions and that which you sought. Your writing, your creativity- it has found you and you are blessed to live the words, "seek, and you will find."

I, for one, am blessed to know you. Your writing, your presence here, my meeting you and Amy- have enrichened my experience. I know there are many, many others who feel the same as me. Isn't this what it's all about, anyway- finding, sharing, and embracing the best in each other while on our journey? We also need to make room and embrace those things about ourselves and others that are in progress- aren't complete yet.

Yes, evolution.... learning to feel comfortable in the process...because it is all in Divine Order.

Meredith said...

I shall just ditto what our two beloved friends have said here. And I would add, though perhaps redundant, that when we become more integrated, our spirituality is also our life, our life style, our total beingness. This essence of grace is evident in all our interactions, in all manner of our presence in the world.

E said...

Did you start looking at/doing things differently 5 years ago?

Trev Diesel said...

Ethan, I don't totally understand your question... Could you rephrase that?

E said...

Sorry about that, let me try again.

"While I have certainly found myself progressing and evolving spiritually over the past 5 years"

Were you not evolving and progressing spiritually prior to 5 years ago?