Thursday, March 29, 2007

Kassie's take on Monsters

I know I've not blogged much lately, and every time I do it's rather shallow and pointless, but you've really got to see this. Every time I watch it it gets funnier (especially the sentence she says at the :15 second mark).


Amy Harden said...

My Lord that's funny....

Celeste said...

And where does a 3 y.o. learn 'kick his ask?"

oh my!

Jon said...

Really cute!

So, have daddy and mommy been using not-nice words?

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly a toddler picks up on those off-color phrases uttered by Mommy or Daddy (or the TV!!!) in a moment of absent-mindedness, and sees fit to repeat them, just to make sure they got it right.

Frikkin' parrots people, parrots.